Saturday, June 14, 2014

#Vidcon2014: I WANNA GO!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought New York was the place to be. The city that never sleeps, where dreams come true(wait, I think that's Disney). It mustn't be I guess.

I know what you're thinking: What's Vidcon?

I'll tell you whats's Vidcon.

Vidcon is the Comicon of online videos. Mainly Youtube. and I love Youtube. This is the chance for viewers (and die-hard Fangirls like myself) to meet their favorite Youtubers, take pictures, get to know them from outside the confines of their computer screen. In California. 2,901.4 miles away. On the other side of the continent.

All I can think about are my favorite Youtubers( Kingsley, Shane Dawson, Joey Graceffa, The Queen(insert prayer hands) Tyler Oakley, Heck even JOHN GREEN) are gonna be in the same place, at the same time, meeting fans just like me; and I'm not gonna be there. I-I can't even.

It's just not fair. But, my time will come. And I will be united, Finally, with my true people. I just gotta clench my fists and wait a couple more years.

For more info on Vidcon:

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