Monday, June 9, 2014

Tribute to TFIOS: Favorite Quote On Canvas DIY

So to celebrate the premiere of The Fault In Our Stars in theaters based on the best selling book by My Lord and Savior (Just kidding) John Green. Earlier in the year i did this on a piece of poster board paper and now that its getting hot, the tape has not been doing its job of sticking to the wall. So, I wanted to transfer it onto a canvas so that it'll be more secure and official. I have decided to share this great project with the public so follow along. If you want.

Things You May Need:

1. A Canvas.                                                                    
2. Acrylic paint (Blue, white, black)
3. Various Paint Brushes
4.A Surface to work on
5. A plate or piece of cardboard to mix and put paint on
6. An Outline

1. Prepare your work area. I wanted to lay out some newspaper but I couldn't be bothered so I just did what any other person with common sense would do. I spread out a plastic bag and taped it down.

2. Mix your blue and white acrylic paint to get something that resembles the background of the original The Fault In Our Stars background. cover the whole entire canvas. If you want to know, I used an 8x10 sized canvas. What can I say, it was on sale.

Not exact, But its ok.
2. Make an outline of how you want the clouds to be on the canvas on a blank piece of paper and fill them in with your favorite quotes. I already had the one from when I made a giant poster.

3. Trace the clouds onto the canvas with a pencil, pen, whatever. What I did was, I went back and forth on the clouds being white and black, labeled them with a B and a W and started to fill them in.

Half way there!

4. You might want to go back and fix up the sides of the cloud. I know I did. It took me a while but I got there.

5. Now for the last thing. writing down your quotes into the clouds. I wanted to stick to the original style of black on white and white on black. When i first did this on Poster paper I wrote it with colored pencil. This time it wouldn't come up so I decided to tediously fill in the clouds with paint with a dotting tool. Major FAILURE. 

Finger cramps setting in. There I am in my old Middle school T-shirt.

6. I had to up the ante so I went to Walmart and saw these paint marker pens. I got the fine ones in Black and White. Time to fill in the most heart wrenching, gut aching quotes I've ever seen on paper.


The finishing product:


Tip: If you mess up, its okay the only thing to do is just paint over the mistake. I did this about 30 times.

And that's it. My tribute to The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. I plan on seeing the movie soon (actually don't know yet) I know that I will be a wreck. Hoped you like it. Later.

OH! I forgot to tell you to not to forget to sing and date your art.You never know it may be worth something one day.

1 comment:

  1. that's cool, I'm going to try this with my favorite book, Jane Eyre
