Tuesday, June 17, 2014

I Just finished Reading: Reboot by Amy Tintera

The cover

So where do I begin. I liked it...

So the act of rebooting is when someone dies and they wake up minutes later. And Reboots are the people. When you reboot as an adult you're killed off with a gun shot to the head. Only the head. The humans and Reboots were at war and now the Reboots work for this group run by humans called HARC. As a Reboot you aren't know by your name but by your number. The higher the number the more faster, stronger, deadlier and less human you are. The lowest your number the more human you are than dead.

Wren Connolly is the deadliest Reboot. Otherwise known as 178 because that's who long it took for her to reboot. She doesn't ask questions, she follows orders. She's basically a killing machine in a human shell. But that all changes when the newbies come. Enter Callum Reyes aka 22.  He's the lowest Reboot anyone has seen before. But Wren won't let his number define him.

All that gooey stuff like them falling for each other happens but there are deeper things in this book. It talks about poverty and it gets dark at times. Not dark dark, but dark. 

I gave this book 3 stars on Goodreads because I liked it but I didn't Love it. To me it seems like the action parts really got me through it. When I was three page to the end I was skipping paragraphs and skimming dialogue in my head yelling  IT'S NOT DONE YET?!.

But one things for sure. It's funny. The first thing you see on the first page is wren talking about screams. Then at the end she goes screaming is my least favorite thing. I thought that was funny. Callum really lightens the mood and keeps this book on its toes. 

It's a really good book. The second book Rebel just came out and to be honest I'm gonna read it. Their story isn't finished yet and i willing to stick in there for Wren and Callum.

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