Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Samantha Read: We Were Liars By: e.Lockhart


This book was something really different. It a contemporary so i was something very different from the usual books I read.

  The story revolves around a prestigious family know as the Sinclairs. Our main character is the first granddaughter of the Sinclair family. therefore she is meant to inherit the fortune. but this book isn't mostly about that. Every summer the whole Sinclair family meet up at their own personal island. Beechwood Island. But this summer is different.

After an accident leaving her suffering from chronic migraines and amnesia, Cadence returns to the island after 2 years away to figure out what happened and put the missing puzzle pieces of her memory back together.

The book isn't short but it holds a lot. Filled with strange metaphors that were really creative.
1/3 into the book i was kinda bored. When I saw the price of the book I thought it wasn't worth it. Man was I wrong.

 This book, in my eyes, could be a hit lifetime movie. It provides the right equation of suspense, romance, family issues that could be a hit. It's a little dark and I felt like I couldn't connect with Cadence because we're from two very different worlds. But, I did connect with Gat, Cadence's Love interest.

Age Rage: Probably 15+
Rating: 4 Stars

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