Thursday, May 29, 2014

My Summer To-Do List

Summer. need I say more. The greatest time in any child's life. No homework, No need to wake up early, and best of all NO SCHOOL. I've been anticipating summer since the first day of school. It might sound bad, I didn't hate school. I loved it. I got to see my friends everyday, learn new things( on some days learn nothing at all), got to step out of my comfort zone and give speeches to a class full of strangers, and got to go home and hear my mom ask "How was school?". I'll miss that the most.

But, nothing can compare the the utter emptiness and inner happiness of going one whole entire day without doing anything but eat, sleep, and watching Netflix. Summertime equals productivity. it's just the way it is.

But, this summer I plan on beating the heat and doing things that I need to do like:

1. Catch Up On Netflix:

I've been avoiding Netflix all school year. I think it's time i told people. Hi, My name is Samantha and I'm addicted to Netflix. If I know myself (and hopefully I do), I know that if I hadn't deactivated my Netflix account My overall average in school would be 75 or 68. That's just not acceptable to me; especially since its junior year the "most important" year, there's no room for Netflix. I'm gonna take this time to catch up on new movies and shows (Orange Is The New Black) in time for their 2nd season.

2. Read More Books:

If I could count the amount of books I want to read this summer and stacked them on top of each other It would probably go through the roof. I've just gotten into the hang of reading a printed book last week and now I'm on my second book. I think I'm doing good. Now i just have to keep it up. Then I'll just start to breeze through books like I used to.

3. Exercise:

I am one of those people who believe that the key to a clear mind is a clear body. I'm gonna take those 2 months to sweat out all of the poison I've been putting in my body for 10 months. Trust me, buying junk food for almost everyday for 10 months can do real damage. How I can tell? Making my way to the third floor from the first seems like a journey. Don't worry because when i come back in September; I'll be flying up and down Satan's stairs.

4. Study For The SATs:

So I took the SATs in May and I don't know how I did. But 1550 out of 2400 doesn't sound good. During the summer (August-September) I'm going to study hard for the SATs. I plan on majoring in English and my reading and writing scores are not where they should be. I did better on the math part than any other part. I HATE MATH. I'll proibably group study with some friends. The goal: 1800-1900. Wish me luck.

5. Reconnect With The Piano:

I've put the piano on the back burner. It's just been sitting on my desk collecting dust. I feel really bad. So during the summer, I'll invest all (some) of my free time to improve on my piano skills and learn new songs. I've never taken a piano class and I don't plan to. I highly doubt that Beethoven took a piano lesson. And why waste money when today's technology can teach you what to do on YouTube.

6. Hone My Clay Making Skills:

I haven't been making clay charms for that long. But I plan on making a couple of creations this summer and sharing it on this blog. look forward.

My summer's gonna be a filled with goals and achievements. I don't know how im gonna do it. I dont even think I'll do all of these things. But, I gotta at least try.

1 comment:

  1. " I've been anticipating summer since the first day of school."
    exaclly how i feel lol. i can really relate to this post i always knew u were addicted to netflix but u play the pinano? also u said you buy junk food everyday, huh...... SHARING IS CAREING!!!!!! LOL
