Wednesday, May 21, 2014

E-readers vs. Printed Books

I can't decide. For A while I've been reading books on my phone's Kindle app. I can't lie its way easier than carrying around a 200-300 page book around in my book bag. But, yesterday I went to the library and I was transported to another time. A time when I would go to the library everyday after school, take out books and read them in one sitting. I don't do that anymore.

Now, I would say that my reading drive has decreased. And I blame technology. I've found other things to do than read on my phone like play games and listen to music as I daydream on the bus. I want to get back into it. I want to try new books and step out of my comfort zone. And I'm starting today. I'm going back into the past and checking out books that I've put aside for 'later'.

Nothing can compare to the feeling of a book in your hands. No matter how hard you try to imagine it, you don't get the same feelings. You don't get to feel the crisp pages flip under your command; instead, you get a fraudulent flip animation.

You don't get to stroke the cover of a book while you read and feel the mesmerizing work of art called the cover. You can't revel in the warmth a book gives in your lap and hands.Instead of that you get the cold, dead feeling of a phone case or E-reader cover. What's the beauty in that?

But it's not like I despise electronic readers to the ends of the earth. They still have their advantages. Like, you can carry your whole library in the palm of your hand. It's available at the touch of a finger. And some books you just can't bother to carry around because they weight the same as a baby elephant.

I just think its necessary that once in a while you disconnect, pick up a book (emphasis on Pick Up), relax and read. There's no denying it, electronics are here to stay. nut just because their here doesn't mean that we have to break old routines and traditions.

1 comment:

  1. I will never own an e-reader. Nothing like the feel of a book, the smell of a book . . .Did you see the "disconnect" video on fb?
