Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Samantha Read: We Were Liars By: e.Lockhart


This book was something really different. It a contemporary so i was something very different from the usual books I read.

  The story revolves around a prestigious family know as the Sinclairs. Our main character is the first granddaughter of the Sinclair family. therefore she is meant to inherit the fortune. but this book isn't mostly about that. Every summer the whole Sinclair family meet up at their own personal island. Beechwood Island. But this summer is different.

After an accident leaving her suffering from chronic migraines and amnesia, Cadence returns to the island after 2 years away to figure out what happened and put the missing puzzle pieces of her memory back together.

The book isn't short but it holds a lot. Filled with strange metaphors that were really creative.
1/3 into the book i was kinda bored. When I saw the price of the book I thought it wasn't worth it. Man was I wrong.

 This book, in my eyes, could be a hit lifetime movie. It provides the right equation of suspense, romance, family issues that could be a hit. It's a little dark and I felt like I couldn't connect with Cadence because we're from two very different worlds. But, I did connect with Gat, Cadence's Love interest.

Age Rage: Probably 15+
Rating: 4 Stars

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

I Just finished Reading: Reboot by Amy Tintera

The cover

So where do I begin. I liked it...

So the act of rebooting is when someone dies and they wake up minutes later. And Reboots are the people. When you reboot as an adult you're killed off with a gun shot to the head. Only the head. The humans and Reboots were at war and now the Reboots work for this group run by humans called HARC. As a Reboot you aren't know by your name but by your number. The higher the number the more faster, stronger, deadlier and less human you are. The lowest your number the more human you are than dead.

Wren Connolly is the deadliest Reboot. Otherwise known as 178 because that's who long it took for her to reboot. She doesn't ask questions, she follows orders. She's basically a killing machine in a human shell. But that all changes when the newbies come. Enter Callum Reyes aka 22.  He's the lowest Reboot anyone has seen before. But Wren won't let his number define him.

All that gooey stuff like them falling for each other happens but there are deeper things in this book. It talks about poverty and it gets dark at times. Not dark dark, but dark. 

I gave this book 3 stars on Goodreads because I liked it but I didn't Love it. To me it seems like the action parts really got me through it. When I was three page to the end I was skipping paragraphs and skimming dialogue in my head yelling  IT'S NOT DONE YET?!.

But one things for sure. It's funny. The first thing you see on the first page is wren talking about screams. Then at the end she goes screaming is my least favorite thing. I thought that was funny. Callum really lightens the mood and keeps this book on its toes. 

It's a really good book. The second book Rebel just came out and to be honest I'm gonna read it. Their story isn't finished yet and i willing to stick in there for Wren and Callum.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

#Vidcon2014: I WANNA GO!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought New York was the place to be. The city that never sleeps, where dreams come true(wait, I think that's Disney). It mustn't be I guess.

I know what you're thinking: What's Vidcon?

I'll tell you whats's Vidcon.

Vidcon is the Comicon of online videos. Mainly Youtube. and I love Youtube. This is the chance for viewers (and die-hard Fangirls like myself) to meet their favorite Youtubers, take pictures, get to know them from outside the confines of their computer screen. In California. 2,901.4 miles away. On the other side of the continent.

All I can think about are my favorite Youtubers( Kingsley, Shane Dawson, Joey Graceffa, The Queen(insert prayer hands) Tyler Oakley, Heck even JOHN GREEN) are gonna be in the same place, at the same time, meeting fans just like me; and I'm not gonna be there. I-I can't even.

It's just not fair. But, my time will come. And I will be united, Finally, with my true people. I just gotta clench my fists and wait a couple more years.

For more info on Vidcon: vidcon.com

Friday, June 13, 2014

DIY: Quotes on Canvas Room Decor

This is the perfect project if you want to spice up your empty, barren room and give it some life.


What you'll need:
  • Canvas of any size (I used an 8x10, it was on sale) 
  • A quote that you like enough to display on your walls
  • Scrapbook paper (if you used a larger canvas you'll need more than one)
  • Paint ( preferably a color that doesn't clash with the color of your scrapbook paper
  • A sponge or sponge (foam) brush
  • Mod Podge ( just a fancy glue that does 3 different things)
  • Scissor
  • Tape
  • An exacto knife or razor blade
  • A clear area to work

1. Get your scrapbook paper and canvas. Outline the canvas to the blank side of the paper and cut it out. I chose a colorful butterfly design.

2. Take your foam or sponge brush and apply a thin layer of Mod Podge to the canvas. glue on the scrapbook paper design up or blank side down so that the design is showing. While that dries...

3. Pick out the quote that you want and print it out so that its big enough to see but not so big that it can't fit. Capitalize all the letters and print it out.  I chose this quote I found online "Every day is a second chance". It holds a lot of truth and sense. When you think about it Everyday is a second chance, whether it be to right your wrongs and say sorry or to live the life you should have lived yesterday. Some people don't get second chances and it just lets me appreciate how precious every moment is.

4. Cut out all the letters using your scissor and use your exacto blade or razor to cut out the unreachable insides. Place them on your canvas the way you want it to look.

5. Now this is the tricky part. Take a small piece of tape and cut it so that if you wrap it around itself and make it double sided it will fit on the letter. Place it in the center and the ends of every letter. You don't really have to do every end but to make sure its secure I recommend you do so.

6. Now that every letter its securely stuck to your canvas heres the fun part. Choose a color that won't clash with the scrapbook paper you chose for your background. Using a sponge brush or just any paint brush coat the canvas with that paint. Be careful around the edges of the letters. Take your time. 

7. Paint it over again or focus o
n the ares that are visible through the paint. it should look like this:

I chose white since my walls are white.
8. After the paint has dried carefully pull off each letter to reveal the background behind it. If the paint had bled through the edges of the letter use a exacto knife or razor blade to gently scrape off the paint. 

Hanging It Up:

if you want to hang up your quote get a hammer and  a nail. Choose a place to hang it and put in the nail with the hammer. Hang it up and align it so that its not crooked.

Finished product!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Summer Reading List: 2014

I plan on reading a lot of books during this summer. I can't help it, its Out of character of me to go to amusement parks and to the beach. I hate the beach. I hate going outside. I'm a natural born introvert. I love to read. I love the feeling of getting lost in another world between pages. Imagination is Key. The ability to exercise your brain and envision this out of reach world.

The books that I plan to read in no specific order (Taken from my To-Read shelf on Goodreads):

1. Allegiant by: Veronica Roth


I've been putting this book off for a long time. I blame the spoiler I heard. I'm not ready for that. I'm not ready for it to end. I know I'm going to finish it one day. I real question is When?

2. Percy Jackson And The Olympian series by: Rick Riordan

 I saw the first movie again over the weekend and I loved it. I think this book will be a fun and exciting read. I love action and the Greek mythology aspect is just genius.

3. Fangirl by: Rainbow Rowell

The title alone welcomes me to this book. I read the synopsis of it and I was a little unsure but I think it'll be a great book for a fellow Fangirl like myself.

4. Far From You by: Tess Sharpe

I love the cover. This book, telling from the summary is a dark mystery. I don't read enough of those. Hopefully the suspense will keep me cool this summer.

5. The Future of Us by: Jay Asher

I love Jay Asher. He's one of my favorite authors. He also wrote 13 Reasons Why, which i'm proud to say is the second book I official bought. It was completely worth it and I don;t think this book will let me down.

6.The geography Of You and Me by: Jennifer E. Smith

I think the cover is really cool. And the summary made me swoon. It's about love finding its way back to each other after many years.

7. In This Moment by: Autumn Doughton

I read the sample on my phone and I bought it. It was only $1. This book looks really heartfelt and I think it'll be one of my favorite E-Books. Now I just have to get to reading it.

8. Love Letters To The Dead by: Ava Dellaria

The cover is really exotic and I read the first 5 chapters. It s about this girl writing letters to dead celebrities while dealing with the death of her older sister and her parents separation. So far it's really good. Can't wait to get back to it.

9. The Statisitcal Probablility Of Love At First sight by: Jennifer E. Smith ( Again)

I love the title.

10. This Is What Happy Looks Like by: Jennifer E. Smith ( I see a pattern)

I love this title too. I read the summary and was blown away. It looks really cutesy and cheese. I love cutesy and cheesy.

11. To All the Boys I've Loved Before by: Jenny Han

I love Jenny Han. I read two out of the three books in her Summer trilogy. They were great. The one i didn't read was the first one. Maybe I'll read that when I have the chance.

12. Vampire Academy series by: Richelle Mead (Not sure)

I've heard a lot about this series. My friend highly recommends it. so I might start it. But jut to get it out of the way I'll definitely read the first one so I can watch the movie.

13. The Mortal Instrument Series by: Cassandra Clare (Not sure)

Heard a lot about this series too. still not sure. Do you see the size of those books. Honestly, I'm intimidated.  Maybe just the first...

14. Life of Pi by: Yann Martel

I saw the movie monday night and was blown away. Its a really great story. But, you know what would have made the movie better for me. If I had read the book first.

15. Nocturne by Christine Johnson:


The Sequel to my very first book I bought on my own when I went to London and Paris. I was planning on putting claire de lune as reread but NOW. I have to read this one. I might just go ahead and buy it now. Look at that cover.

Well that's all. I have a really busy summer. You and I both know I'm not gonna get through all these but its still good to have a plan and try. Till next time.